OMG Renovations and organization.

Currently our house is under renovations.

We have the downstairs pretty much done but upstairs is a bit lack luster.

Our to-do list is as follows

  1. Paint baseboards
  2. Put up baseboards
  3. Put up light fixtures
  4. Make the powder room functional
  5. Organize office, baby room, master bedroom
  6. Move EVERYTHING up stairs.
  7. Take a 16 day nap.

Our Budget is quite small. I’m hesitant to give a exact number so let’s just say it’s about half the normal. To save a few $clams we’ll be doing a thing or two on our own. Most of the house had a very 90’s motif to it… like EVERYWHERE!!! Think Light pink, light dusty blue, gold and flowers everywhere! no joke. The house its self is really cool, the add-on that was done recently is very nice but the rest was definitely far from ideal.

I’ll post some before and afters when I get my hands on them. Promise.

Starting in the bathroom I’ll be painting the bathtub with enamel paint. Apparently you can purchase kits from Home Builders that allow you to re-finish tubs. Currently our tub is a large jacuzzi that could fit about two people. Its very nice BUT IT’S PINK *barf.

If you’re into pink that’s cool. I however do not imagine my dream bath in pink. The counters are fiberglass do they too will get a coat of paint, as well as the pink flower tiles. The toilet has to be changed and the stand alone shower. (the shower may have to come next year).



In the master, baby room, office and halls we already put in hardwood flooring. The Hardwood is a light oak. The guy who did these floors did a super good job. Before they were very uneven.



In the master we painted the walls a light sandy brown, here I’m thinking country oasis, shabby-chic with a big glass closet and drawers. A place for us to retire to when we need to get away. Keep in mind that, A) this room is actually bigger than it looks in this photo B) these rooms are messy because they’re under renovation.


master bedroom

In the baby-room we painted the walls a dark teal blue color. I love this color and I’m excited that it worked out so well. It actually makes the room look taller and brighter. In this room I’m imagining a sort of Star trek-meets-dinosaurs-meets-60’s mod-meets-man cave. Very cool. When baby gets older he will move downstairs and we’ll take over this room. I have no idea what we’ll do with the space. Classy library perhaps?




We left the office white and will be putting up art and family pictures. I think it should stay kinda chill with no distractions for when DH is working.



So as the action happens I’ll keep you updated!

I’m always looking for inspiration so let me know what you think I should add!

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